
Corndog and a sucker

Babe-O's two front teeth finally came out! Yea! Yea! Both teeth have been loose and crooked for weeks waiting for the right moment to pop out. I have tried, unsuccessfully, to remove them from her mouth. Her imagination runs wild and she thinks the tooth removal will be painful.

Monday while eating a sucker the first one was knocked out and the following day biting a corn dog forced the other one out. I think kids missing their two front teeth are adorable!

Later that night Cutie decided to read a book to Babe-O called Junie B. Jones, Toothless Wonder. I hope that as they get older they will still enjoy each other's company. They are such good friends!


Bilary said...

YAY! They came out! I think that is so sweet - I love the toothless grin! She is adorable. I agree with you that a toothless grin is so cute! I think the big ol' teeth that fill those holes look so funny for a while until they grow into them. Enjoy the holes while they last! She is darling!

Emily said...

When she called me after her first tooth fell out, I asked her what tooth it was. She said "The one next to the loose tooth." Like that explained it. Now she has lost both and looks so cute!

Ryan said...

Yeah for Babe-O. I can't wait for Sydney to join her. She looks so almost 7-ish.

P.S. This is really Heidi. I'm just too lazy to change accounts.

Blackeyedsue said...

Toothless kids are my favorite. I love hearing them talk.

I hope the tooth fairy rewarded her well.