
Influenza's latest two victims


Blackeyedsue said...

That stinks. If it is any consolation, they are really cute while they feel like dirt.

Oh, and if you turn on your letter verification, spammers like the ones above me can't leave comments that lead to bad things.

Emily said...

Should have gotten flu shots...

Paellaboy said...

blackeyedsue--thanks for the heads up. I turned that off to make it easier for the "rookies" in my family to post. I won't do that again :)

Amy said...

Hey sis flu shots would have been a good investment but it sounds like they have not been very effective this year. Hope to see more comments from you soon.

Love you!

Bilary said...

Poor kids - and poor mommy. it stinks to have sick kids and have to worry about them. I hope you don't get it! I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

Blackeyedsue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Blackeyedsue said...

Delete was mine. I used a name.

Okay, since I don't have your e-mail and I know you could use a few laughs, you totally have to read this blog. PB will understand. http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.wordpress.com/

Paellaboy said...

I just ordered the book, No Logo. I can't wait to keep it on my coffee table for all my yuppie neighbors to see. Wait, guess I better go meet some socialites first.

That is actually a very entertaining blog! Speaking as a white person of course.