
31 Days Left

The day draws closer that I will be a mother of five children. Yikes!! The other kids are becoming really excited. They have all made a sock baby (filled with beans) that they constantly carry around with them. They practice holding the baby's head, wrapping it in a blanket and burping it. They even made a day care to take the baby to when they are at school. I am sure that they are going to be a big help when the real baby arrives.

Last Friday I had a doctor's appointment with an ultrasound. They doctor thinks that she is almost seven pounds (like they know) and that she will have a big head. The plan is to have me be induced between two to three weeks early - depending on my platelet count. I feel wonderful and keep telling myself that I am loving every moment of being pregnant.
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Kim Pedersen said...

Good Luck! Its not as hard as you think! I am so happy for you! Congrats!

Emily said...

Don't all your babies have big heads? So when is the due date then?

Amy said...

Yes Emily, all my kids have huge heads. My due date is Feb. 18th (mom's birthday) but it looks like I will be started on Feb. 4th.

Heidi said...

What a great picture! Only one week left!